The buyers are the real power players in fashion. They have their finger on the pulse of the industry, working directly with design houses and retailers to buy clothes and accessories for the consumers. Their influence is so strong that buyers can even determine what is sent down the runway in upcoming seasons.
Being a buyer requires a refined understanding of fashion – both its rich history and, of course, its future. Buyers are acutely aware of what’s next and know how to fill a major retailer or small boutique with clothes that will inspire and motivate their customers.
The Fashion Marketing — Buyer’s Profile online diploma program is geared towards teaching you an exciting profession where you can expose your talent, and even influence future fashion collections! Learn how to develop professional skills in buying, marketing, apparel distribution, fashion trends, targeting and communications. Get ready for the exciting, competitive and multifaceted world of fashion!
LaSalle College Vancouver is pleased to offer you the most affordable accredited e-learning diploma in B.C. Register today and Accelerate your journey towards an exciting career in art, media & design for the low tuition of $8,248.
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